The Nature of Love
The Nature of Love is a masterpiece of phenomenological investigation. Here, Hildebrand uncovers and develops not only new insights on love as such but deeply explores subjectivity and what it means to be a person. He pushes back against the idea that happiness is the primary motivation of the lover, and that love is radically centered on the other: not the lover, but the beloved.
Reading the book might help you grow more into the loving person you are meant to be.
Fritz Wenisch

Reviews & Commentary
From scholars, students, and readers
It is hardly worth mentioning that a 1,800-word review cannot do justice to von Hildebrand’s great work. Reading the book might help you grow more into the loving person you are meant to be.
The Nature of Love is a highly valuable contribution to the ongoing tradition, the fruit of a lifetime of finely honed phenomenological reflection. What von Hildebrand has accomplished here is an example of the best sort of phenomenology—with acute observation and precise analysis he opens the eyes of anyone willing to see the reality of value in creation, and ultimately the source of value in its Creator.
In his conclusion, Hildebrand humbly states: “And so we hope that, in spite of all its deficiencies, this book illuminates the nature of love more deeply. Indeed, we even hope that in these investigations something is revealed of the inexhaustible depth and the incomparable glory of this most central of all personal acts.” In the opinion of this reviewer, he has surely accomplished this goal and even more. We wait eagerly for the next translation by the Crosby team of father and son in the Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project
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