The Struggle for the Person: The Teaching and Witness of Pope St. John Paul II and Dietrich von Hildebrand
5th Annual Summer Seminar
June 7 – June 11, 2015

The personalist norm says that the person is a good toward which the only proper and adequate attitude is love.
Karol Wojtyla (Pope St. John Paul II)
Love & Responsibility
The personalist norm in ethics was a substantial and important part of the philosophy of John Paul II. It colored not only his pre-papal philosophical work but also animated the entirety of his papal ministry. Dietrich von Hildebrand’s steadfast fight against the Nazism and John Paul II’s crucial witness against Communism exemplify that the greatest of global struggles are always a struggle for the human person against totalizing and depersonalizing forces.
The fifth Annual Hildebrand Project Summer Seminar gives particular attention to their personalist understanding of persons, community, and society. We examine their teaching on the human person in the world and allow ourselves to be challenged and guided by their witness.
The Struggle for the Person – Videos
Rocco Buttiglione: John Paul II and Religious Liberty
2015 Summer Seminar: The Struggle for the Person. Monday.
Rocco Buttiglione discusses John Paul II and religious liberty.
John F. Crosby: The Personalism of John Paul II
2015 Summer Seminar: The Struggle for the Person. Monday.
John F. Crosby remarks on the personalism of John Paul II.
Faculty Discussion: Monday Sessions
2015 Summer Seminar: The Struggle for the Person.
Discussion among faculty on topics from morning sessions.
Michael Novak: The Embodiment of the Human Person
2015 Summer Seminar: The Struggle for the Person. Tuesday.
Michael Novak discusses the embodiment of the human person.
John F. Crosby: The Personalism of Dietrich von Hildebrand
2015 Summer Seminar: The Struggle for the Person. Tuesday.
John F. Crosby discusses the personalism of Dietrich von Hildebrand.
Faculty Discussion: Tuesday Sessions
2015 Summer Seminar: The Struggle for the Person. Tuesday.
Discussion among faculty on topics from morning sessions.
2015 Seminar Faculty

John F. Crosby

Rocco Buttiglione