The Hildebrand Project invites faculty and upper-level Ph.D. students to submit papers or abstracts on any theme related to philosophical personalism, for papers to be presented at the 1st World Congress on Personalism, to be held August 1-5, 2022 in Mexico City.
Up to three winners will be awarded scholarships of $750 for travel and lodging to present their papers at the congress.
Submission Guidelines
- Papers (3000 words) or abstracts (200 words) should be submitted by May 31, 2022 to the Hildebrand Project at events@hildebrandproject.org
- Papers or abstracts should be submitted in English.
- Submissions on Dietrich von Hildebrand or Christian personalism will receive preferred consideration.
- Submissions for the scholarships double as submissions for the congress; there is no need to submit a separate submission to the organizers of the congress.
- All decisions regarding congress submissions will be issued by June 15, 2022.
- Scholarship winners will also be notified by June 15, 2022.
- The papers, after review and approval for publication by the Scientific Committee, will be published as follows: (1) The highest rated (in English and Spanish) will be published in the collection of papers Pathway to the Person (Vernon Press, USA); (2) The rest will be published in two ebooks by Anahuac University, one in English and the other in Spanish.
- For information about the 1st World Congress on Personalism, visit: www.personalismo.org/mexico2022
- For information about the call for papers and scholarship contest, email:
- events@hildebrandproject.org